Darren Prince Understands Athlete Felonies

We can't exactly criticize anyone else for attempting to capitalize off the Maurice Clarett sentencing yesterday: We've certainly earned our fair share of frequent flier mileage from the story. But we nevertheless can't help but chuckle when several sportswriters across this great land inform us that, yesterday afternoon, they received a public relations email offering up the quotability of none other than our old pal Darren Prince. From the email: As former Ohio State football star Maurice Clarett pleads guilty to aggravated robbery and carrying a concealed weapon today, he will be sent to prison for at least 3 years. Clarett is not the first, and certainly not the last, sports star to be involved in robbery and other misdemeanor. Managing troubled athletes is a diffic…

A Proud Parent's Guide To Dominating Girl Scout Cookie Season

For all the fathers and mothers out there, when Girl Scout Cookie season rolls around, your first and foremost emotion should be relief. It could be worse: You could be dealing with a Boy Scout instead. Those poor saps have to sell popcorn. It’s clearly an inferior product. Everyone loves cookies! This is easy. Selling these things is all about having the right attitude, and the right battle plan. Even if you can’t leverage your gig hosting the Oscars, you and your daughter can still sell a pile of cookies while spending some quality time together. Here are my tips for total cookie domination. * Know your product. You got Savannah Smiles, Do-si-dos, Rah-Rah Raisins, Samoas, Trefoils, Tagalongs, and the fan favorite: Thin Mints. All these cookies taste like crunchy, sweet heaven, s…